On the 3rd of March 2022, Haniffa Business School hosted its first research seminar series of 2022. The speaker was Dr. Ida Mohd Yasin from Putra Business School.
Dr Ida is an Associate Professor at Putra Business School and her research interests are in cross-cultural management, human resource management, micro-finance, and of course, social enterprises. She has also been involved in various consultancy projects with the Tourism Productivity Nexus, Asian Productivity Organisation, and SIRIM. She has also served in the Malaysian Productivity Corporation, which is an agency under the Ministry of International Trade and Investments (MITI), that is entrusted to enhance the nation’s productivity and innovation. She has also served a stint under MITI itself in the Strategic Planning Division.
The topic of her talk was social enterprises and it can be used to facilitate the economic recovery of the country following the COVID-19 pandemic. It was an invigorating seminar session, where the Q&A discussion was mostly focused on the various definitions of social enterprises and the importance of social enterprises in combating income inequality.